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Dress Code


The Kings Canyon Unified School District has adopted the following policies based on recommendations from a district wide community task force.  The Board acknowledges the right of students and parents to make decisions regarding dress and grooming and recognizes that any apparel and/or accessories which draws undue attention to the wearer tends to detract from the education process and will, therefore, be deemed inappropriate and prohibited.  Administrators/designees at school sites will make decisions where there are questions about the appropriateness of clothing.  They may also establish reasonable dress and grooming regulations for times when students are engaged in extracurricular or other special school activities.  The school administration will determine the nature of gang dress and paraphernalia in continual consultation with local authorities.  Any gang-related apparel confiscated by staff will be returned only to the parent/guardian of the student.

      A)  All clothing shall be neat and acceptable in repair and appearance, sufficient to be worn within the bounds of decency, modesty, and good taste appropriate for school.  Designer rips, tears, holes, cuts, and frays are above the fingertip and must not show any skin or undergarment. If above the fingertip, no UNDERWEAR MAY NOT SHOW ABOVE THE PANTS REGARDLESS IF SHIRT IS TUCKED IN OR NOT.  Clothing must conceal undergarments at all times.

      B)  No Bereavement shirts will be worn.

      C)  Shorts, culottes, and “skorts” must be fingertip length all the way around.  Skirts, dresses, miniskirts must be fingertip length. 

      D)  Shoes must be worn by all students (except at dances in the main gym).  Steel-toed boots or boots with metal tips are not permitted.  Bedroom slippers are not allowed except for medical reasons.

      E)  RHS hats will be allowed for sun protection during school hours (7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.) provided they meet the district’s requirements as listed below:  (EC 38183.5)

            1)   RHS baseball caps or hoods may be worn outside only.  Any student entering a room or building must remove the hat or hood prior to entering.

            2)   A parent may elect to purchase a hat from a source other than the school/district.  However, the hat must be pre-approved by the site administrator prior to the wearing of the hat by the student.

            3)   At after-school activities open to the public – only a hat/cap that is not gang related may be worn at outside activities such as football, baseball, softball games, and tennis matches. 

            4)   Students who fail to follow the provisions of this policy may be held accountable in accordance with established discipline district/site policy.

            5)   During cold weather (November 1-April 1) students will be allowed to wear knit caps that do not violate dress code guidelines (pro logos, inappropriate insignias).

      F)   Attire and/or accessories with lettering, jewelry, body art, tattoos, or drawing that depicts sexually suggestive experiences (example – clothing with the “Player 69” logo) or actions, profanity, obscenity, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or degrades the integrity of the individual or others may not be worn at school or at school functions.  Tattoos should be covered if disruptive.

      G   Improper attire such as strapless wear, tube tops, halter tops, tank tops, spaghetti straps, muscle shirts, athletic shorts, biker shorts and clothes which are see through or bare the midriff are not permitted.  Blouses or body shirts with shoulder straps less than two (2) inches wide are not allowed. 

      H)  Pants are to be worn at the waist level, above the hip so that underwear cannot be seen.  Overalls must have both straps secured and worn with garments that are within dress code guidelines.  Oversized clothing cannot be wider than five (5) inches from the knee and oversized and/or sagged pants are prohibited.  Pants with an extra-long crotch, extending beyond mid-thigh are not permitted.

      I)   Sunglasses are not to be worn in the classroom except for medical reasons.

      J)   Attire which may be used as a weapon may not be worn such as steel-toed boots, chains (including wallet chains), items with spikes or studs, dog chain or collars are not permitted.

      K)  All gang-related symbols, rags, tattoos, body art, colors, or insignias, and any clothing reflecting gang affiliation is prohibited at any time on campus.  Belts and/or lanyards are not to hang down below shirt level.

      L)  No sports team logos allowed.  This includes team mascot names, pictures and emblems with the exception of RHS athletics.

            M         When wearing leggings, student’s clothing on top of leggings must still adhere to the dress code.